Tuesday, October 27, 2009


捷运到了,一样的黄蓝色。上车后,坐在同样的金属座位,在闸门关上前,它依然鸣着同样的警示钟。门关上了,它依然默默地行驶在同样的铁路, 向从同样的方向出发,还固执地停在昨天的每个捷运站。

车厢忽然让我重温昨天的拥挤,而昨天坐在我前方的妇人依旧翻着同样报社的报纸,左边的女孩还是在忙碌地赶未完的功课。远望窗外的天空,没有特别的惊喜,还是那要白不白,要黑不黑 的纳闷天空。



p.s. 有时候,我会期待从东边升起的不是太阳,是月亮。

Saturday, October 17, 2009




p.s. 是的,我是负心的人。尽情地奚落我,讽刺我,嘲笑我,践踏我,讨厌我。我不会有感觉的,因为你老早已认定你是唯一伤心,惋惜,在夜里哭泣的人。我不在乎。

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm sorry if I'd disappoint you. I'm not perfect and there's nothing good about perfections, it could make me hardly breath when I trying to be the perfect one for every one of you. I'm just a foolish as I knew that's impossible but I'm still trying to be. I've did what I could, don't expect me to do all because I only have pair of hand. Ah no, I have only one because the other already disable to function since yours separated with mine on that grievously day. So what you expect me to do now?


Happy Deepavali! :)

Enjoy the Festival of Light! triumph of good over evil, the victory of light over dark!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ganyang Malaysia?!

I'm not teaching you Fifth Form's history.

Oh, if you read this week's newspapers you will know what I'm talking about. They only think the evil side of us but they never think all the good we've done. I do admit that there's a bunch of rubbish doing something hurts their feelings but it doesn't represent 28,310,000 of us right? Some of them just can't think rationally and how about the problems that cause by their people in our state then? Do we discriminate their students that study in our state? and the discovery channel already explained it's their fault, why some of them are still so stubborn yet acting so aggressively? No matter how, all the humans would rather living together peacefully in this world, do not bring us any trouble because we couldn't take any war in this day and age anymore. Why? look at the weapons nowdays and compare with the previous one. The previous one could destroyed Hiroshima, the first city in history assaulted by nuclear armament when the USA dropped an atomic bomb on it on August 6, 1945 and what do you think about now?


什么是快乐?而幸福的定义是什么? 你和我对快乐与幸福有不同的衡量但我们往往却同样在快乐与幸福的边缘盘旋着。


p.s. 你畏惧或拒绝绽放你的精彩? 看不起你。

Friday, October 2, 2009



我知道你会说我情绪化,但是我真的不能压抑我的喜悦。知道吗,我这次的考试考得还不赖,没丢你们的脸。害我之前还忐忑不安,但它最终还是要死在我的手上。我从学校一直狂笑到捷运站,上了车厢还在疯狂贱笑一直到终站,我从Anson脸部表情晓得他很想把我揍死 。怎么样?让我开心一天会死咩?让我炫耀一天会死咩? 很久没那么愉快鸟,请不要怀疑。

放学后跟Yvonne和凡吃午餐之后就回Saujana看看久违的老师们,老师说我胖鸟!我已经勤运动鸟,别欺负我,我很容易崩溃。哈哈。考试周会自然发胖的,你试想早餐后必须坐着复习三至四小时而造成的惨况,何其哀!为什么不能站?皆因全体中六都在礼堂考试,站起来是会被人K死的,副校长很勤劳地巡逻考场,猛K瞌睡的人,恐怖分子 :S 但是我还是有睡啦,没中K,可能是俊俏的关系呗 XD



p.s. 当你看到一个男人化浓装,步伐与动作婀娜多姿你会有想吐的冲动吗?原谅我的歧视,但我真的不能忍受,实在太妖鸟!为什么他不好好当男人呢?算了,也许他把唇膏当成了润唇膏。(粉红色的!吐!.....)